Olympic area

31 Connollystraße
This is in the former Olympic village, and there is a small marker that indicates that this building was the site of the Black September hostage situation, and site where several Israeli Olympic team members were murdered.

The vast Olympiapark (http://www.olympiapark.de) was built for the 1972 Olympic Summer Games and is still a very active and popular place for all kinds of sports and events.

Olympic Tower (http://www.olympiapark-mu...)— More than 200 m high, this tower gives an amazing view over the complete city, and on a clear day you can see the Alps entrance fee €5.5.
BMW Museum
Petuelring 130, +49-89-38223307 (http://www.bmw.com/generi...). Tue - Sun: 10AM - 6PM. Entrance: €9, Conssessions: €6. Musuem dedicated to the powerhouse German car.
Sea Life
(http://www.sealifeeurope....). 10AM-6PM, €11.50/€8.50. A large aquarium featuring over 30 tanks and aquatic life ranging from local river dwellers all the way to the grand Mediterranean Ocean tank.